Shoe Heels

The rear part at the bottom of a shoe is the heel. It supports the heels of the feet. Heels of a shoe are often made from the same material as the sole of the shoe. It can be high for fashion purpose or for making a person look taller. They are also flat for comfort and practical use.
Masonite Heels
Its a man-made piece of wood that is used to make the shoe heels.It comes in different grades heavy & light.
Leather Heels
The leather heel very good flexibility.Its a natural product and mainly used by exporters.
Eva Heels
EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) is one of the lightest outsole and best shock absorption materials available today.It is in fashion and can be used with rubber & leather top lifts.

Masonite Heel

Leather Heel

Eva Heel

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